Dental prevention in children: fluoride and sealings

Fluoride plays a vital role in strengthening tooth enamel. Fluoride causes fluorapatite to form instead of hydroxyapatite, a constituent of enamel and dentin, which is more resistant to the action of acids produced by bacterial plaque. Fluoride administered orally is a supplement to the fluoride taken by the child with the normal diet (food and water), and should be administered from 6 months to 2 years of age, a period in which permanent teeth are formed.

The sealings are special resins containing fluoride, which have the purpose of sealing the grooves of permanent molars. The aim is to reduce the accumulation of food and plaque in the grooves of the teeth and to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.

The sealings are performed by the dentist at the age of 6 years.