Periodontal disease

A healthy gingiva has a light pink color and is firmly attached to the teeth.

Poor oral hygiene causes plaque build-up around the teeth and gum infections (gingivitis and periodontitis).

The first signs of gum inflammation (gingivitis) are red gums that easily bleed during brushing.

Over time, gingivitis progresses with damage to the bone that supports the teeth (periodontitis), and a space is formed between the teeth and gums (“periodontal pockets”) where bacteria accumulate. This can lead to tooth mobility and tooth loss.

In the presence of gum bleeding, it is advisable to brush more and floss more. It is also advisable to report to the dentist the areas of bleeding, likely sites of accumulations of calculus.

The treatment of periodontal disease consists of a thorough home hygiene and frequent professional hygiene sessions in the dental office (every 4 months). In the presence of deep periodontal pockets, periodontal surgery is performed, which aims to eliminate subgingival calculus, to remodel the supporting tissues of the tooth and to eliminate pockets.

Several clinical studies demonstrate a close link between gum disease caused by bacterial plaque buildup and cardiovascular disease.

For this reason, it is essential to maintain a proper oral hygiene and a healthy condition of teeth and gums.