
Gli spazi tra i denti - dopo

The spaces between the teeth

The spaces between the teeth are caused by a discrepancy between the size of the teeth (too small) and the size of the jaws bone (too large) due to hereditary factors.

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Le miniviti - prima

The miniscrews

Mini screws are small screws that are applied to the bone.

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Il morso profondo - dopo

The deep bite

We speak of a “deep bite” when the upper incisors excessively cover the lower incisors.

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Il morso aperto - dopo

The open bite

In the anterior open bite, the upper incisors do not cover the lower incisors and therefore a gap remains between the anterior teeth of the upper arch and those of the lower arch.

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Il morso crociato laterale - dopo

The lateral cross bite

The palate is narrow and forces the mandible to close in a lateralized position, to the right or to the left.

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I denti inferiori sporgenti - dopo

The lower teeth protrusion

This type of malocclusion is also called “Class III malocclusion”. The maxilla develops by a small amount compared to the mandible.

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I denti superiori sporgenti - dopo

The upper teeth protrusion

Malocclusion with protrusion of the upper teeth is also called “Class II malocclusion”. The upper jaw develops in excess relative to the lower jaw (mandible).

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L'affollamento dentale - dopo

Dental crowding

Dental crowding is caused by a discrepancy between the size of the teeth (too large) and the size of the jaws bone (too small), due to hereditary factors.

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