
The main focus of the Cantarella Dental Clinic is Orthodontics, a branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosing, preventing and treating the growth anomalies of the facial bones and correctly aligning the teeth, to obtain correct aesthetics and chewing functions.

Today Orthodontics is able to modify the growth of the jaw bones, to re-establish a correct masticatory, phonatory, respiratory function and correct swallowing. In this direction, the tools available to the dentist are several, for example: fixed appliances, buccal or lingual braces, invisible aligners such as Invisalign, removable functional appliances for children and maxillary expanders for patients with the problem of a narrow palate.

In our clinics, dentists specialized in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, trained in the best Italian and US Universities, operate to offer the most modern, less invasive and more efficient techniques.

The orthodontic equipment used is the most advanced, to ensure minimum invasiveness and maximum efficiency in orthodontic treatments.

See some solutions we can propose

Fixed buccal appliance

In the Cantarella dental clinic, ceramic brackets, almost invisible, are used. Thanks to the most modern techniques used by the practice specialists, these brackets are used to efficiently treat all types of dental occlusion problems, and are proposed by our dentists to both children and adults.

Transparent aligners – Invisalign method

The dentists of the Cantarella dental clinic use the Invisalign method, born in the United States in the late nineties. After several updates and evolutions, the Invisalign technique is now able to treat different types of dental occlusion problems, especially crowding or spaces (diastemas) between the teeth. The aligners are transparent, practically invisible, and removable to allow the normal home hygiene procedures.

Functional appliances

They are removable appliances, used in the growing patient; they allow to stimulate mandibular growth for the correction of Class II malocclusion, in which the teeth of the lower dental arch are too far back with respect to the teeth of the upper arch. The functional appliances allow to re-establish a correct mandibular growth, improving the aesthetics of the face profile, the function of the peri-oral muscles, the respiratory function.

Palatal expander in the child

The palatal or maxillary expander is one of the most popular appliances in the orthodontic field, because it treats a very frequent malocclusion in children, which is the transverse contraction of the upper jaw. It is a fixed appliance, characterized by a screw that is activated and leads to an enlargement of the bone bases of the maxilla. Our dentists recommend the palatal expander to widen the nasal cavity, improve nasal breathing and reduce sleep apnea in the child.

“MSE” palatal expander in adults

Cantarella Dental Clinic has been using the Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) device developed by Prof. Won Moon at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) for several years. This device uses the miniscrews (skeletal anchorage) to produce the expansion of the palate also in the adult, when the palatal suture is almost completely ossified.

Fixed lingual appliance

These fixed dental braces are applied to the inner face of the teeth and are therefore not visible from the outside. Our dentists mainly use them in adult patients.


The miniscrews, also called Temporary Anchorage Devices or TADs or skeletal anchors, are small titanium alloy screws that are inserted into the bone and allow to hook springs or elastics to move the teeth and align them. The miniscrews allow greater anchorage, reducing treatment times. They also allow our dentists to perform tooth and jaw bone movements that are not possible with conventional techniques.