Pediatric dentistry

We are dentists specialized in the prevention and treatment of children’s teeth

Pediatric dentistry or pedodontics is the part of dentistry that deals with the prevention and treatment of the child’s oral cavity, from birth up to the age of 16 years.

In our Dental Clinics, dentists for children, specialized in the field of Pediatric Dentistry, aim to establish a relationship of harmony, collaboration and trust both with the child and with the parents.

In fact, it is essential that the child is in a playful and peaceful environment, to start the path of treatment at the dentist with a smile and, indeed, to be happy and willingly to return in the future.

Children should not be considered as miniature adults, which is why it is very important that the medical figures with whom they come into contact, dentists and hygienists, have a targeted training: our dentists use specific psychological techniques to make children feel at ease, not to make them feel the slightest discomfort during the operating procedures and to ensure that a relationship of mutual respect is created from the beginning.

When to go to the dentist with your children?

We recommend making the first visit around 2 years of age, even in the absence of obvious dental problems; the children will thus be able to become familiar with the environment and the instruments and get to know the medical professionals who will follow them during their growth.

In this way, even if they need to face treatment, they will be calm and aware of what will happen.

In this occasion, moreover, parents will be able to learn numerous notions regarding the prevention of pathologies of the oral cavity of their children; in fact, our main goal is to make healthy individuals grow, also focusing on food education and all preventive techniques to avoid the onset of carious diseases.


It is very important that children, as they grow up, become aware of the importance of taking care of their teeth, thanks to our indications. Only in this way, the moment of daily oral hygiene will become a fun opportunity to play and not a forcing action.

Following the first visit, a personalized treatment plan will be established together with the parents which will include periodic visits, to be able to intercept early any type of problem.

Our services for young patients

  • pediatric oral hygiene and fluoroprophylaxis with instruction on correct brushing
  • sealing of permanent teeth to prevent the development of caries
  • restorative and endodontic therapy of deciduous elements
  • extraction of compromised dental elements
  • treatment of dental trauma
  • functional removable appliances specially designed for the growth of jaws
  • fixed appliances