Specialized dentistry

The Cantarella Dental Clinics employ a team of dentists specialized in the various branches of Dentistry and Oral Surgery to be able to treat even the most complex problems related to the teeth and oral cavity in a coordinated and safe way.

Pediatric dentistry

Also known as Pedodontics, it deals with the prevention and treatment of caries in children. Particular attention is paid by our dentists for children to motivation, so that children can develop proper home hygiene and healthy eating habits. The dentists specialized in Pediatric Dentistry working in the practice follow the little patient as he/she grows, to reach adulthood with healthy teeth and free from caries.

Learn more about pediatric dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening

This branch of dentistry deals with the application of ceramic or composite veneers to restore the correct anatomy and aesthetics of dental elements damaged by caries, discolorations or abnormal shape. Furthermore, our dentists are experts in teeth whitening: excessively dark teeth can be lightened by means of modern outpatient and home professional dental whitening techniques.

See some solutions we can propose

Dental hygiene and prevention

Professional calculus removal (scaling) and dental hygiene sessions are performed by hygienists with a degree in Dental Hygiene. Proper oral hygiene is essential to prevent the onset or worsening of oral diseases such as caries (cavities) and periodontal disease. During professional hygiene sessions, oral screening is also performed. Home hygiene procedures are also explained. In children, the motivation program aims to get the little patient accustomed to effective home hygiene and correct eating habits.

Here are the tips for having a perfect smile

Restorative Dentistry

It allows the restoration of the anatomy of the tooth affected by dental caries (cavities). Our dentists use the most modern composite materials for a dental restoration that is invisible and long lasting. Fillings and inlays / onlays are performed.


It consists in the removal of the dental pulp (devitalization) and in the root canal therapy of cleansing and sealing of the dental root canals. With modern digital apex localization techniques and with rotary and reciprocating instruments, our dentists today perform root canal treatments efficiently, painlessly and safely.


Prevention and treatment of diseases affecting the supporting tissues of the teeth, such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Teamwork, coordinated with dentists, dentists and hygienists, allows to monitor the health of your teeth and gums. The therapy consists in teaching patients correct home hygiene, frequent checks and professional hygiene sessions, periodontal surgery in the most complex cases accompanied by a correct maintenance protocol.

Oral implantology

Teeth lost due to caries, periodontal reasons or trauma can now be replaced safely and painlessly thanks to osseointegrated dental implants. Modern materials such as zirconium and all-ceramic allow aesthetic and extremely natural results of prosthetic restorations. Implants are performed for single teeth, fixed prostheses on implants with the All on 4 or All on 6 technique, immediate loading technique.

Oral surgery

It is the branch that deals with the surgical treatment of oral diseases. Our dentists deal with the removal of cysts, granulomas, wisdom teeth extraction, frenectomies.


Partial or total prostheses, removable or fixed on natural teeth or osseointegrated dental implants, allow to restore aesthetics and chewing function. Modern metal-free materials make it possible to create prosthetic products with a completely natural appearance.


Treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease and painful head and neck disorders. In the office there is a physiotherapist who collaborates with the dentist for a synergistic treatment of these pathologies. Stretching/relaxing exercises, physical therapy and occlusal bites are parts of the TMJ treatment.