Children at the dentist
The first visit to the dentist for a child: everything you need to know

A harmonious smile with Orthodontics
(Italiano) Hai sempre desiderato di ottenere un sorriso armonioso con l’ortodonzia, ma l’idea degli apparecchi metallici ti spaventa? Gli allineatori trasparenti potrebbero essere la soluzione che fa per te.

Common Dental Problems (If You Don’t Visit the Dentist)
(Italiano) Mantenere una buona salute orale ed evitare i problemi dentali comuni, è fondamentale per garantire il tuo benessere generale

Periodontal disease
The first signs of gum inflammation (gingivitis) are red gums that bleed easily during brushing.

Dental prevention in children: fluoride and sealings
Fluoride plays a vital role in strengthening tooth enamel.

Professional hygiene
By professional hygiene we mean the teeth cleaning sessions performed by the dental hygienist.

Home hygiene: brush and dental floss
Good oral health begins with brushing 3 times a day with fluoride toothpaste, followed by flossing.

Dental Whitening
Teeth may be dark due to excessive consumption of colored foods or drinks (licorice, coffee, tea, cola, red wine), poor oral hygiene, cigarette smoking.