A harmonious smile with Orthodontics
(Italiano) Hai sempre desiderato di ottenere un sorriso armonioso con l’ortodonzia, ma l’idea degli apparecchi metallici ti spaventa? Gli allineatori trasparenti potrebbero essere la soluzione che fa per te.

The spaces between the teeth
The spaces between the teeth are caused by a discrepancy between the size of the teeth (too small) and the size of the jaws bone (too large) due to hereditary factors.

The deep bite
We speak of a “deep bite” when the upper incisors excessively cover the lower incisors.

The open bite
In the anterior open bite, the upper incisors do not cover the lower incisors and therefore a gap remains between the anterior teeth of the upper arch and those of the lower arch.

The lateral cross bite
The palate is narrow and forces the mandible to close in a lateralized position, to the right or to the left.

The lower teeth protrusion
This type of malocclusion is also called “Class III malocclusion”. The maxilla develops by a small amount compared to the mandible.

The upper teeth protrusion
Malocclusion with protrusion of the upper teeth is also called “Class II malocclusion”. The upper jaw develops in excess relative to the lower jaw (mandible).

Dental crowding
Dental crowding is caused by a discrepancy between the size of the teeth (too large) and the size of the jaws bone (too small), due to hereditary factors.