Home hygiene: brush and dental floss

filo interdentale

Good oral health begins with brushing 3 times a day with fluoride toothpaste, followed by flossing. This is used to remove bacterial plaque, a white layer that sticks to the teeth, especially in the interdental spaces and near the gums, causing tooth decay and gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis).


Brush your teeth, gums and tongue with a small-headed, medium-bristled toothbrush 3 times a day after meals.

Brushing should be performed vertically, from the gums towards the teeth.

Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

Remember to brush your teeth for 2 minutes, not just 30-60 seconds.

It is essential to brush your teeth in the evening, to protect them from plaque acids: in fact, tooth enamel is more vulnerable at night because less saliva is produced during sleep.

Dental floss

Dental floss is the most important oral hygiene aid! In fact, the toothbrush only removes half of the plaque; the other half remains in the interdental spaces (between one tooth and the other) and causes interproximal (internal) caries and gum disease.

The dental floss removes plaque in the interdental spaces and below the gumline; it also stimulates the gums and helps keep them healthy, and can be effective in arresting the first signs of gingivitis.

Floss twice a day, especially in the evening.

In the presence of bridges or dental implants, the use of a special crown and bridge floss is recommended.


Use fluoride mouthwash, which helps to prevent tooth decay, in the morning and in the evening after brushing your teeth.

The mouthwash also helps to have a fresher breath.

After oral surgery, or in the presence of gum disease, use special mouthwashes, prescribed by your dentist.

Remember that the consequences of poor oral hygiene are the onset of caries and painful inflammation of the gums and the risk of tooth mobility.

Furthermore, numerous clinical studies show a close relationship between gum disease caused by bacterial plaque accumulation and cardiovascular disease.

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