The miniscrews
Miniscrews are small titanium screws that are applied to the bone. The miniscrews work as a hook (skeletal anchor), to which the rubber bands can be attached, in order to move some teeth in the desired direction, without undesirable effects on the other teeth.
The application of the miniscrews is performed with a little amount of local anesthesia, and is completely painless. The patient does not feel the presence of miniscrews during their use.
The advantages of the mini screws are:
- reduced treatment times (4-5 months), since more teeth can be moved simultaneously
- reduced patient cooperation, as it is not necessary to use intermaxillary elastic bands or extra-oral tractions
- more ideal results in some types of malocclusion, as dental displacements can be generated in more directions than with traditional equipment

The patient has malocclusion with protruding upper teeth (Class II malocclusion).

Case completed after 18 months of fixed appliance therapy.
The upper teeth were pulled back through the use of miniscrews.
No extra-oral tractions or intermaxillary elastics were used (better patient comfort during treatment).